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academy-aer is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Academy of Applied and Engineering Research (AAER) is a dedicated platform to promote and encourage the latest advancements in Science, Engineering Technology & Applied Sciences for the benefit of human development through highly significant research contributions, conferences, and other professional, educational and mentoring activities. AAER provides a unique platform for engineers, scientists, and technologists at all levels and at all times for across the globe to communicate and networking.

AAER conference provides outstanding opportunity of being connected with delegates who are active in the concerned field. Networking enables sharpening (improving, polishing) of research skills, spark inspiration and uncover new ideas. We ensure the vitality and relevance of our core activities in standards, conferences, education, and publications while delivering value to scholarly community. Lead humanitarian efforts around the world to use technology to solve the world’s most challenging problems.


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