The Society of Computer, Engineering Technology, & Applied Sciences is an organization of individuals and institutions committed to furthering research, education, innovation and development in the field of Computer, Engineering Technology, & Applied Sciences. It accomplishes this mission by promoting excellence in instruction, research, public service, and practice; exercising worldwide leadership; fostering the technological education of society; and providing quality products and services to members. In pursuit of academic excellence, ANICEAS develops policies and programs that enhance professional opportunities for Computer, Engineering Technology, & Applied Sciences faculty members, and promotes activities that support increased student enrollments in engineering and engineering technology colleges and universities. Strong communication and collaboration with national and international organizations further advances ANICEAS’s mission. ANICEAS also fulfills its mission by providing a valuable communication link among corporations, government agencies, and educational institutions. Our members include deans, department heads, faculty members, students, and government and industry representatives who hail from all disciplines of Computer, Engineering Technology, & Applied Sciences.
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