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Asar is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Asian Society for Academic Research (ASAR) promotes the development and strengthening of the interfaces between various disciplines in Engineering, General Sciences, Medical and Healthcare Humanities, Social Science and Management related fields.


Founded in 2012, the Asian Society for Academic Research (ASAR) is a nonprofit organization and a registered unit of PE Trust (Registered under Govt. of India) of individuals and institutions committed to furthering academic research. ASAR also fulfills its mission by providing a valuable communication link among corporations, government agencies, and educational institutions.


ASAR is engaged in sharing knowledge through the organization of various conferences, seminars and workshops on various subjects from time to time throughout the year. Each Conference is conducted in collaboration with other institutes or ASAR chapters located at various cities in Worldwide.
Asian Society for Academic Research (ASAR) globally welcomes Research Scholars & Scientists from different domains in its realm of Open Access Publication.


Our Mission

The Vision of ASAR is to become one of the best Institutes in the world, in providing the state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary research the ambience that will encourage world-class technologies developed towards realizing the goal of Developed World


Our Vision

ASAR is the pre-eminent authority on the education of research professionals.


Our Values

Excellence, engagement, innovation, integrity, diversity and inclusion.

Official Website: Our official website for all information is


Our Achievements so far

  • We have organized more than 30 International Conferences in cities like New Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Goa, Pune, Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar, Rourkela, Kolkata, Dehradun, Mysore, Mumbai Etc.
  • We have organized more than 20 International Conferences in the Global Asian Cities like Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bali, Colombo, Dhaka, Tokyo, Dubai, Etc. In association with various Global Universities and Organizations
  • More than 1000 Research Papers has been Presented during our Conferences.
  • Hosted 6 International conferences in a single year during 2016-17.
  • More than 100K followers in our social networking portals and Email Subscribers.
  • More than 20 International Journal Publication collaborations


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