Baishideng Publishing Group Inc
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7041 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 160, Pleasanton, California, United States

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Detailed Information

Baishideng Publishing Group Inc (Baishideng) was built upon the knowledge and experience gained with its predecessor, Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited and launched on July 07, 2010 as a specialized publisher that mainly engages in editing, publishing, and distribution of the World series medical journals. The earliest publication of Baishideng dates back to January 15, 1993 (the Chinese language Journal of New Digestology, renamed Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi/World Chinese Journal of Digestology on January 15, 1999), which was followed on October 01, 1995 by the English language China National Journal of New Gastroenterology (renamed World Journal of Gastroenterology on January 15, 1998). In order to effectively edit and publish these two journals, the Baishideng BioMed Scientific Co., Ltd. was established on December 11, 2006. Today, Baishideng maintains its dedication to a sustainable publication business model that provides top-quality journals reporting peer reviewed clinical and basic research in a broad range of fields by following the highest international standards for ethics in publishing and research.

As a biomedical publishing company accredited by the Committee on Publication Ethics, Baishideng currently edits and publishes 47 academic journals in Chinese and English. All of the Baishideng’s academic journals are published using an open access and single-blind external peer-review model, with some high-quality academic journals being included in the Science Citation Index Expanded, Emerging Sources Citation Index, MEDLINE, PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, Reference Citation Analysis (RCA), and other important databases. Baishideng journals cover a wide range of topics, including anesthesiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, cardiology, critical care medicine, dentistry and stomatology, dermatology, diabetes, experimental medicine, gastroenterology and hepatology, hematology, immunology, infectious diseases, medical genetics, medical imaging, methodology, nephrology, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otorhinolaryngology, pediatrics, pharmacology, psychiatry, respirology, rheumatology, surgery, translational medicine, transplantation, urology, and virology.

Baishideng relies on its industry leading F6Publishing system, which features functionalities spanning the entire publication process from manuscript submission to online publishing, including article quality tracking system, author evaluation system, and reader evaluation system. In addition, Baishideng has the world’s only RCA system, an open and transparent high-quality academic article evaluation service platform for various categories that is freely available to authors and readers. The functions of RCA include Find an Article, Find a Category, Find a Journal, Find a Scholar, and Find an Academic Assistant.


Baishideng Publishing Group Inc: Journals
World journal of diabetes
World Journal of Diabetes (WJD, World J Diabetes) is a high-quality, online, open-access, […]
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