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Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

Conferenceseries is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

If you represent a publishing company or an event organiser that belongs here and is not already profiled, you can submit a request to be listed in the publishers’ directory. it is totally free.

Detailed Information

Conference Series is an open resource platform that conducts 3000+ global events including International Conferences, Workshops, Symposia, Trade Shows, Exhibitions and Science Congresses in all the major scientific disciplines, including Clinical, Medical, pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology, Business Management and Life Sciences across America, Europe and Asia Pacific. It is reaching over 25 million researchers, scholars, students, professionals and corporate entities all over the globe.

World renowned scientists, Noble laureates and scholars in their respective fields grace our events as keynote speakers, panel experts, and organizing committee members. Our speakers gain global visibility and recognition as we take them straight to the audience through live streaming that broadcasts your spoken words all over the globe instantaneously.

With its world class state of innovation and information knowhow, our conferences facilitate knowledge dissemination through round table discussions, debates, workshops and, poster presentations. Corporate entities, academic and research institutions benefit from the dignitaries of world class, including CEOs and policy makers and can ripe the benefits through B2B meetings, networking, product launching and promotion.


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