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Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

GISSF is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

GISSF is an abbreviation of the international network for scholars that provide research development, learning, knowledge sharing, Innovation, and capacity building. This platform brings together scholars of Social Sciences Field from across the globe for academic excellence, innovation, human development and research skill building.
It nurtures a philosophy for serious research debates in an open and friendly ambiance. Our logo shows how we aim to light up the globe through scholarly academic research efforts by contributing towards the prosperity of society. GI Social Sciences Forum major scope is to inspire and nurture research quality and innovation through a multidisciplinary academic research approach. The primary precedence is to assist in building the overall research capacity of scholars from developing and third world countries, especially in Asia. Another priority is to encourage and equip young researchers with advanced statistical and methodological approaches that are essential to producing high quality research. A fundamental notion for creating this network is to support the higher education institutions in building research capacity and infrastructure that will stimulate an atmosphere of competence and excellence in research productivity and quality with well-founded ethical standards.


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