Horizon Publisher India
Contact Information
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D-142; Kardhani, Kalwar Road, Jothwara, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

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Detailed Information

Horizon Publisher India (HPI) is an Indian Non-Government private Company and is registered at Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan. HPI is actively involved in publishing journal, books, thesis and editing of manuscripts. Its Email address is and its registered address is GADA BASS, DIDWANA, NAGAUR, RAJASTHAN, INDIA.

Horizon Publisher India (HPI) is highly dedicated to researchers, scientist and students for rapid and high quality publication process with best customer services. The aspiration of company is to deliver quality service at the minimum prices consistent with a vibrant and fiscally healthy organization. HPI aims to serve readers’ and authors’ interests by publishing high-quality original research works without plagiarism, providing a stable means of relating to them, promoting the dissemination of these works to the widest possible audience in modern media, and preserving access to them forever despite changes in technology.


Horizon Publisher India: Journals
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultura...
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences (JEBAS) is an online platform f […]
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