International Academy of Business and Economics IABE
Contact Information
Phone number(s)
IABE, 10940 Trinity Pkwy STE C-185, Stockton, California, United States

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Detailed Information

The International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE) is a leading global organization of academic scholars, business executives, students, and public policy makers in business, economics, and related fields.

The vision of the academy is to promote international exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge and ideas in research, teaching, and managerial best practices to help improve nations’ productivity and competitiveness.

The mission of the International Academy of Business and Economics is to be the premier international scholarly academy for exchange and advancement of research, teaching, and managerial best practices in all fields of business and economics.

The IABE strives to facilitate creation and exchange of research in business, international business, economics, e-business/e-commerce, public administration, social sciences, healthcare management, and related fields. We also promote excellence in teaching and managerial practices in business, economics and related fields at the global level.

In order to accomplish the mission, the IABE organizes and holds the annual conferences for participants from all over the world. At the conferences, the academy offers an international forum to present research papers and hold other scholarly events. The IABE promotes the exchange of ideas in research, teaching, and managerial practices through formal presentations of research, discussions, semianars, and publication of scholarly journals.

The IABE publishes following refereed journals with the ISSN issued by the Library of Congress, Washington, and listed in the Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directories. The journals are Registered Trademarks or Trademarks of the IABE. The journals are sponsored by several universities. We are proud to state that Managing Editors/ Editorial Board Members of the journals are a distinguished group of faculty from universities/ institutions around the world.



International Academy of Business and Economics IABE: Journals
European Journal of Management
European Journal of Management (EJM) is an academic journal published by the Internationa […]
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