International Association of Yoga Therapists
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PO Box 251563 Little Rock, AR 72225, Arkansas, United States

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Detailed Information

The International Association of Yoga Therapists has championed yoga as a healing art and science since 1989. Membership is open to all who are aligned with our mission—yoga practitioners, yoga teachers, yoga therapists, healthcare practitioners who use yoga in their practices, and yoga researchers. Studios and schools are welcome to join through school membership.

More than 5,000 individual members from 50+ countries, together with more than 150 Member Schools, help IAYT to support research and education in yoga.

Nearly 70 IAYT-accredited yoga therapy training programs educate the next generation of IAYT-certified yoga therapists, or C-IAYTs, who come from a range of lineages and backgrounds.

In the world envisioned by IAYT, yoga therapy is well-known and respected as a healing discipline for physical health, mental balance, and spiritual consciousness.



International Association of Yoga Therapists: Journals
International journal of yoga therapy
The International Journal of Yoga Therapy (IJYT) is an annual peer-reviewed publication t […]
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