Magnus Group LLC
Contact Information

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Magnus Group LLC is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Magnus Group (MG) is initiated to meet a need and to pursue collective goals of the scientific community specifically focusing in the field of Science, Engineering, and technology to endorse exchanging of the ideas & knowledge which facilitate the collaboration between the scientists, academicians and researchers of same field or interdisciplinary research.

Magnus group is proficient in organizing conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops with the ingenious and peerless speakers throughout the world providing you and your organization with a broad range of networking opportunities to globalize your research and create your own identity. Our conferences and workshops can be well titled as ‘ocean of knowledge’ where you can sail your boat and pick the pearls, leading the way for innovative research and strategies empowering the strength by overwhelming the complications associated within the respective fields.

Participation from 90 different countries and 1090 different Universities have contributed to the success of our conferences. Our first International Conference was organized on Oncology and Radiology (ICOR) in Dubai, UAE. Our conferences usually run for 2-3 days completely covering Keynote & plenary sessions along with workshops and poster presentations.

In a very short duration, Magnus group succeeded in mounting a unique platform for professionals, budding researchers and experts from different countries, universities, hospitals, research institutions, industries and companies, building an opportunity to easily socialize and discuss their goals, techniques of research, latest science discoveries, facts and news. Our organization runs promptly with dedicated and proficient employees’ managing different conferences throughout the world, without compromising service and quality.


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