Open Science Publishers LLP
Contact Information
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ., London Borough of Camden, United Kingdom

47 Kent View Road, Basil Road Basildon, England SS16 4JX, United Kingdom

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Open Science Publishers LLP is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Open Scientific Publishers (OSP) is an independent open-access medical and scientific based publishing house committed to providing a ‘peer reviewed’ platform to outstanding researchers and scientists to exhibit their findings for the furtherance of science to provoke debate and provide an educational forum. It is established to publish excellent and efficient work that are in line with specific journal areas; to create avenues for exploration, ravaging and manifestation of the world of knowledge thereby, disseminating them freely for research and reference purposes.

Open Scientific Publishers is determined to achieve its mission by assisting and encouraging researchers around the world. Our Mission is to contribute towards the advancement of knowledge and general discoveries by expanding our publication of academic articles and providing free access to quality research information online. Our vision is to become one of the leading academic resource centres in the world offering enormous research information for free dissemination.

We at OSP firmly believe in editorial independence and the need to create a freedom for investigative expression which is based in the scientific method and which promotes core scientific and ethical values. We hope to work with our editors, reviewers and authors to create journals which will be accessible wherever wired and wireless internet is available.

Open Scientific Publishers believe in excellence and target constant improvement. We believe that research and dissemination of knowledge is a free gift to mankind and for the betterment of the world at large. Every human does some form of research, acquires knowledge and disseminates it one way or the other. The best environment should be created that will facilitate the provision and dissemination of knowledge by a larger population of authors.


Open Science Publishers LLP: Journals
Journal of Plant Science and Research
Journal of Plant Science and Research gives an open access to the current research and em […]
Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology
Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, ded […]
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