PAGEPress Publications
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Via Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani, 5 - 27100 Pavia, Italy, Pavia, Italy

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Detailed Information

PAGEPress is an Open Access scientific publisher run by a team that has been developing services for the international scientific community since 1992.

Initially PAGEPress took charge of the production management of Haematologica (both print and online versions) providing its publishing services in outsourcing for this journal. It then added to its portfolio another important publication, the European Journal of Basic and Applied Histochemistry (now, European Journal of Histochemistry) distinguishing itself for its professional quality of scholarly publishing.

In 2008, the lack of specialized professional organizations on the Italian market led Michele Moscato (founder and CEO at PAGEPress) to create the PAGEPress brand. Thanks to his experience (former librarian at the University of Pavia and then Production Manager of Haematologica, for which he held the position of Production Supervisor for more than 15 years), PAGEPress has rapidly grown to become a leader in its field, providing quality and innovative publishing services. Today it enjoys the loyalty of universities, international associations and scientific societies that entrust it with the development of their publications.

It was PAGEPress’ commitment to making the results of academic research available to the international community that gave birth to the idea of a publisher entirely devoted to Open Access with the desire to spread academic knowledge. PAGEPress started off with 6 new journals and is now the provider of more than 90 Open Access scientific publications in a variety of fields. For over seven years now, PAGEPress has strived to promote the circulation of scientific research, offering cost-effective solutions to authors, libraries and scientific societies.

PAGEPress strongly believe in the Open Access model: free, digital, online and exempt from most copyright restrictions, all factors that allow publications to be read, down-loaded and re-mixed by anyone who needs them for his or her own research. What’s more, we believe in a proficient and high-quality organization in which scientists, editors, reviewers and product managers work together to promote the accurate dissemination of scientific results.

The company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Pavia, Italy (number IT02125780185) according to the provisions of European Commercial Law.


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