Research Open World
Contact Information
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Research Desk Inc 1320 Austin Highway Apt 2206 San Antonio, Texas, United States

Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

Research Open World is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Research Open World is an open access online publisher, allowing professionals to reach out to peers and publish their findings to undergo scrutiny at their hands under the Creative Commons license. We publish journal articles, editorials, results and the latest news in the scientific community. We strives to be a forum where like minds can discuss and review the latest research and seek knowledge by exploring our Open Access Journals. We believe all knowledge should be available to everyone with the desire to learn and contribute back to society.

Our desire to strengthen core scientific values and enhance scholarly communication is only surpassed by our passion for creating a community motivated by the values of freedom and integrity.


Research Open World: Journals
Integrative gynecology and obstetrics journal
Integrative Gynecology and Obstetrics Journal (IGOJ) is a peer-reviewed, Open Access jour […]
Contact Publisher

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