Shri B V V Sangha's Hanagal Shri Kumareshwar College of Pharmacy
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BVVS Campus, Karnataka, India

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Detailed Information

The Basaveshwar School of Pharmacy was started in the year 1980 under the auspices of Shri Basaveshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangha. To meet the challenges ofthe new millenium for trained and qualified professionals, the school of pharmacy was elevated to ‘College of Pharmacy’ status in the year 1992.

In keeping with its objective of providing the best possible pharmaceutical education, the College has built up a strong infrastructure. This comprises of highly knowledgeable faculty, most of whom hold doctorates and facilities that enable students to gain a contemporary education. Continuous interaction with industry is maintained to ensure that the learning program remains relevant to the changing trends in pharmaceuticals.

The College is constantly seeking to upgrade the quality of its education and actively participates in research to remain on the cutting edge. Collaborations with foreign universities are also being planned with this objective.


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