Universitas Brawijaya Indonesia Bio Mathematical Society
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Detailed Information

The International Symposium on Biomathematics (Symomath) is an annual scientific program provided by the Indonesian Biomathematics Society (IBMS) in cooperation with some universities in Indonesia.  The first Symomath was held at Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2013, and in 2023, the 10th Symomath will be conducted by Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

The Symomath 2023 will be held on 6-8 August 2023 in hybrid-mode. As a multidisciplinary forum, this symposium provides meeting to enhance scientific exchange and collaboration between researchers, students, and industrial practitioners who develop and apply mathematical, statistical, and computational tools to study phenomena in the broad fields of biology, epidemiology, ecology, medicine, environmental science, etc.


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