University of Cincinnati Press
Contact Information
Langsam Library 2911 Woodside Drive ML-0033 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

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Detailed Information

The University of Cincinnati Press was established in January 2017 as a new scholarly publisher committed to advancing the university’s strategic direction, Next Lives Here, by publishing rigorous, peer-reviewed scholarship, exploring new modes of publishing, and boldly developing a new, sustainable organizational model. Without a backlist and large infrastructure to manage, the Press is free to develop a publishing model that is innovative, flexible, and responsive.

In the fall of 2017, the Press published its first book. In 2018, the Press launched its first season of six regional and scholarly books. In 2019, the Press developed a program that concentrates on long-form scholarly books, theory-to-practice works, journals, open-access projects, conference proceedings, and OER course books. The Press looks for projects across the humanities, social sciences and STEM fields that focus on trans-disciplinary social justice and community engagement and that open a dialog between scholars and practitioners. The Press publishes all its books according to accessibility best practice guidelines.


University of Cincinnati Press: Journals
Focus on German Studies
focus on German Studies is a scholarly journal that is run and published exclusively by g […]
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