VRIP 2023
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Detailed Information

Warm welcome to the official website of 2023 5th International Conference on Virtual Reality and Image Processing (VRIP 2023). The Conference will be held in Beijing, China during August 11-13, 2023 co-located with BDIOT 2023 (2023 7th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things).

VRIP2023 is co-sponsored by North China University of Technology and University of Macau, China (Macau).  

Virtual reality is a form of human – computer interaction in which a real or imaginary environment is simulated and users interact with and manipulate that world. Image Processing in its broadest sense is an umbrella term for representing and analyzing of data in visual form. The Image Processing is the manipulation of numeric data contained in a digital image for the purpose of enhancing its visual appearance.
The main purpose of VRIP 2023 is to provide an international platform for presenting and publishing the latest scientific research outcomes related to the topics of Virtual Reality and Image Processing.


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