World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
Contact Information
Phone number(s)
5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore

27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402 Hackensack, New Jersey, United States

57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden London WC2H 9HE, United Kingdom

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Detailed Information

World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd was established in 1981 with only 5 employees in a tiny office. Today, the company employs about 200 staff at its headquarters in Singapore and 450 globally. It has offices in New Jersey, London, Munich, Geneva, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chennai. In about 3 decades, it has established itself as one of the leading academic and professional publishers in the world, and the largest international scientific publisher in the Asia-Pacific region.

World Scientific releases approximately 600 new titles per annum and publishes more than 170 journals across multiple fields. With a publication history of over 12,000 titles, a significant proportion of World Scientific’s books are prescribed as reading material by prestigious institutions like Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and Princeton University. At present, WSPC’s digital content is accessible to more than 45,000 universities, libraries and organizations worldwide, with usage boosted by collaborating with diverse search and discovery partners.


World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd: Journals
Annals of Financial Economics
The AFE is an international journal with the goal of advancing the knowledge and understa […]
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