ICMIPE provides a leading forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Mechanical, Industrial and Production Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Accordingly, Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Mechanical Engineering
- Elasticity
- Fatigue and creep
- Finite Element Method
- Fluid dynamics
- Heat exchangers
- Mechanical behavior
- Mechatronic
- Pressure vessels
- Solid mechanics
- Stress analysis
- Thermodynamics
- Tribology
- Vibration and control
Industrial Engineering
- Decision Analysis and Methods
- E-Business and E-Commerce
- Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis
- Engineering Education and Training
- Healthcare Systems and Management
- Human Factors
- Information Processing and Engineering
- Intelligent Systems
- Manufacturing Systems
- Operations Research
- Production Planning and Control
- Project Management
- Quality Control and Management
- Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
- Safety, Security and Risk Management
- Service Innovation and Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Technology and Knowledge Management Operations Management and Scheduling
- Plant Location
- Warehousing
- Warehouse/DC Design and Layout
- Storage Equipment and Systems
- Warehouse Process Optimization
- Warehouse Location
- Distribution Design and Planning, Distribution Management
- Transportation
Production Engineering
- Engineering Physiology
- Biomedical Instrumentation
- Engineering Statistics
- Quality Management Systems
- Maintenance Engineering
- Reliability and Quality Control
- Engineering Experimental Design
- Integrated Product Engineering
- Engineering Risk and Decision Analysis
- Computer Supported Collaborative Engineering
- Human Factors and ErgonomicsComputer-Aided Design
- Computer Aided Manufacturing
- Computer Simulation Methods
- Facilities Design and Logistics
- Manufacturing Processes and Methods
- Information Systems for the Manufacturing
- Quality and Productivity Management
- Optimization Methods
- Intelligent Engineering Systems
- Engineering Management and Leadership
- Management Science
- Managerial economics
- Systems thinking and analysis
- Optimization
- Integer programming
- Linear programming
- Nonlinear programming
- Assignment problem
- Transporttion network design
- Simulation
- Statistical Analysis
- Stochastics Modelling
- Reliability and maintenance