ICREA is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Renewable, Environment and Agriculture. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Agent-based software engineering
- Artificial intelligence approaches to software engineering
- Component-based software engineering
- Embedded and ubiquitous software engineering
- Aspect-based software engineering
- Empirical software engineering
- Search-Based Software engineering
- Automated software design and synthesis
- Automated software specification
- Reverse engineering
- Requirements engineering
- Software analysis, design and modeling
- Software maintenance and evolution
- Software engineering tools and environments
- Software engineering decision support
- Software design patterns
- Software product lines
- Software domain modeling and analysis
- Software economics
- Multimedia and hypermedia software engineering
- Software engineering case study and experience reports
- Enterprise software, middleware, and tools
- Food Sciences
- Food Technology
- Beverage Studies
- Consumer Studies
- Animal Science
- Animal Breeding
- Animal Nutrition
- Plants Sciences
- Plant Fertilization
- Plant Breeding
- Agricultural Economics
- Rural Sociology
- Organic Agriculture
- Nurseries and Greenhouses
- Agronomy
- Human Nutrition
- Agricultural Soil Science
- Soil Quality
- Crop Science
- Aquaculture