A journal devoted to experimental agriculture and abstracted by all the major abstracting services. It includes articles on cytology, genetics, breeding, agronomy, soil science, horticulture, water use, microbiology, plant diseases and pest, agricultural engineering, economics and statistics with emphasis on original articles, from India and countries having similar agricultural conditions.
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences is the most renowned journal in India devoted to experimental agriculture. It publishes articles in all branches of agriculture, including cytology, genetics, breeding, agronomy, soil sciences, agroforestry, horticulture, water management, microbiology, plant diseases and pests, agricultural engineering, economics and statistics. The rating of The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences is 7.2 as per the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This journal has as International impact factor of 0.11 as per ISI 2006.
The journal lays emphasis on original articles, reporting results of problem-oriented, completed research in India and countries having similar agricultural problems. Results of preliminary data of topical value are published as short notes. The journal also publishes critical review articles, written by competent scientists who have done considerable research in their disciplines and are capable of pointing out lacunae in research and suggesting future lines of work. For the benefit of reader the journal includes a Book Review section, in which all important agricultural books received are reviewed by competent specialists.