International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research – IJCMR, an official publication of International Society for Contemporary Medical Research (Registered under Government of India, Society Registration Act No – 21, 1860), is a peer reviewed, international, print and online, open access journal with MONTHLY (since January, 2016) publication. It is a multidisciplinary journal to provide a forum for the presentation and criticism of original, innovative and thought provocative ideas in medical and allied specialties. IJCMR publishes new, challenging and radical ideas, so long as they are coherent and clearly expressed. The types of article accepted include original articles, review articles, case reports, and letters to the editor. Clinical microbiology relevant immunology, pathophysiology, genetics, epidemiological, and genomics studies are also welcome. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research is an internationally targeted official publication. All articles have to be original articles that have not been published elsewhere or are being considered for publication in other journals. All articles submitted will be peer reviewed by experts. Receipt of the manuscript will be acknowledged by email. Every effort will be made to complete the review process within 2 weeks and communicated to the corresponding author. Papers should be submitted to The Editorial board will strive for the quality of the journal and will also index the journal in various indexing bodies and the information will be updated on the journal website from time to time. We welcome all your submissions. I hope you will consider IJCMR for your next submission.
Periodicity of the journal –
- Quarterly (Since inception to 2015 June (Volume 2; Issue 2)
- Bimonthly (Since 2015 July (Volume 2; Issue 3))
- Monthly (Since January 2016 (Volume 3; Issue 1))
Scope of Journal
The journal covers all aspects of medical sciences from genes to humans. Articles reporting clinical observations, experimental studies and theoretical concepts are all welcome, and especially welcome high quality review articles from distinguished authors, and original articles reporting new findings in medical and allied sciences.
The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the fields of Science and allied specialties. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference. Journal editors, welcome thought provoking papers on areas listed above. Decisions about papers will be communicated to authors within 3 weeks of submission. IJCMR publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge and research in Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical Sciences etc.. and aims to provide a platform to researchers to publish their articles. It comprises peer- reviewed articles as its core material which includes original research papers, case reports and review articles as well. We encourage the submission of manuscripts that cross disciplines and also studies that address universal problems of human health.
- Anesthesiology,
- Anatomy,
- Animal Research,
- Ayurveda, Sidha & Unani (All Branches)
- Biochemistry,
- Biotechnology,
- Cardiology,
- Community,
- Dermatology,
- Dentistry (All Branches),
- Education,
- Emergency Medicine,
- Endocrinology,
- Ethics,
- Ear Nose and Throat,
- Forensic,
- Gastroenterology,
- Genetics,
- Haematology,
- Health Management and Policy,
- Homeopathy,
- Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
- Intensive Care,
- Internal Medicine,
- Microbiology,
- Health Management and Policy,
- Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
- Intensive Care,
- Internal Medicine,
- Microbiology,
- Nephrology / Renal,
- Neurology and Neuro-Surgery,
- Nutrition,
- Oncology,
- Orthopaedics,
- Ophthalmology,
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
- Paediatrics and Neonatology,
- Pharmacology,
- Pharmacy (All branches)
- Physiology,
- Pathology,
- Plastic Surgery,
- Psychiatry/Mental Health,
- Rehabilitation,
- Radiology,
- Statistics,
- Surgery,
- Yoga and alternative therapies.