It has become evident that major social forces of a global nature – such as demographic trends, migration patterns and the globalization of the economy – are reshaping social welfare policies and social work practices the world over. There is much to be learned from the careful analysis of experiences in the various countries that are struggling with the emerging challenges to social welfare in the post-modern world. The Journal of Social Welfare and Management (ISSN 0975-0231) (Registered with Registrar of Newspapers for India: DELENG/2012/50859) seek to encourage debate about the global implications of the most pressing social welfare issues of the day. Its interdisciplinary approach will promote examination of these issues from the various branches of the applied social sciences and integrate analyses of policy and practice. Since this journal is multidisciplinary, quality papers from various disciplines such as Economics, Management, Demography, Political science, Geography, Psychology, Literature, History, Anthropology, Sociology, Labor Management, Communication and women related issues are considering.
Journal of Social Welfare and Management is the Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal.