Journal of neuroscience – JNeurosci is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes papers on a broad range of topics of general interest to those working on the nervous system.
JNeurosci and eNeuro are SfN journals with complementary scopes. Papers that describe a novel method that has not yet been used to make neurobiological insights, new observations that do not yet have mechanistic underpinnings, non-replications and replications of published studies, and brief reports are all within the scope of eNeuro. Thus good manuscripts of this type are likely to be suggested for transfer without review, if they are submitted to JNeurosci.
The Journal of Neuroscience was first published on January 1, 1981, under the leadership of Maxwell Cowan as Editor-in-Chief, and included five section editors: Solomon Snyder, molecular neuroscience; Michael Bennett, cellular neuroscience; Gerald Fischbach, developmental neuroscience; Eric Kandel, behavioral neuroscience; and Edward Evarts and R.W. Guillery, neural systems.
JNeurosci was initially published through partnerships between the Society for Neuroscience and external publishers, including 10 years with Oxford University Press. JNeurosci was brought in-house to SfN for publication in 1996. To learn more about the beginning of The Journal of Neuroscience, read “Coming of Age: The Founding of The Journal of Neuroscience” in Chapter IV of the history of SfN timeline.
- 2018 Journal Impact Factor: 6.074
- Total Cites: 175,046
- Citable Items (2016 + 2017): 1,945 articles
- Eigenfactor Score: 0.233 (#1 out of 267 in Neurosciences Category)
- h5-index: 106
- h5-median: 127
- Scopus SiteScore™: 5.83