Aim & Scope
The Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences (JPRSS) is an International, open access, peer reviewed, online journal. JPRSS indexed with Cite Factor, Electronic journal Library EZB , SIS, Research bib, JournalTOCs, WEB Berlin Social Cornell University Library, Science Center, UNIVERSITAT BIBLIOTHEK abl LEIPZIG,BASE, Academic keys, ZB MED, Freie Universitt Berlin, Staats- und Universit tsbibliothek Fachbibliotheken,Wissenschaftskolleg ZU erlin, UNIVERSIBTAT LEIPZIG,ZB MED Search for Life Sciences,ZeElektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Freie Universitt Berlin ,WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Ebook-Gratuits ,Worldcat,Google Scholar,GIGA Informationszentrum.