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Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

Academicsera is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

This is an official website of The Academicsera. Academicsera is formed to carry on the business of promoting, forming, developing and organizing associations and networks of Chemical, Petroleum, Physics, Biology, Civil, Mechanical, Medical, Dental, Computer, Electronics, Electrical, Management, Biomedical, Bio informatics, Bio Technology, Aeronautical, Textile, Environmental and all related Doctors, Engineers and Professionals who are in the field of innovation; and to conduct, promote and organize Meetings, Conference, Discussions, Seminars, Workshops, Study tours, Industry visits; and to publish professional Journals, Magazines and Newsletters; and to carry on research and development on the above fields; and to design, develop, market, purchase, sell, import and export any products or materials of any above Medical, Science and Engineering field.


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