Contact Information

Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

Academicsworld is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

If you represent a publishing company or an event organiser that belongs here and is not already profiled, you can submit a request to be listed in the publishers’ directory. it is totally free.

Detailed Information
Academics World is a non-profit organization that promotes the  Engineering and Technology, Science and Medical related latest developments and issues to be discussed and experimented through interactions amongst the researchers and academician across the globe at a common platform.


The Academics World have the following objectives:
  • Globalize the education so that Research scholars from different regions can communicate with each other through a common platform.
  • Publish Journals in different areas of Research for sharing their research work.
  • Organizing Conferences (National/International) for providing common platform so that researchers can gain knowledge in their area of interest by interacting with the experts.
  • Organize Workshops/Seminars for upgradation and awareness of latest technologies.
  • Help students, faculty and researchers in Engineering, Social Sciences, Management, Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences related  areas so that they can enhance their knowledge in different areas of research.
  • Cooperate with institutions of higher learning in any part of the country having objectives similar to those of the the society


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