Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
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Detailed Information

AMCP is the professional association leading the way to help patients get the medications they need at a cost they can afford. AMCP’s diverse membership of pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and professionals in life sciences and biopharmaceutical companies leverage their specialized expertise in clinical evidence and economics to optimize medication benefit design and population health management and help patients access cost-effective and safe medications and other drug therapies. AMCP members improve the lives of nearly 300 million Americans served by private and public health plans, pharmacy benefit management firms, and emerging care models.

AMCP advocates at the national and state level for developing and applying evidence-based medication use strategies that improve access to medication, enhance patient and population health outcomes, and safeguard the wise use of health care dollars.



Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy: Journals
Journal of managed care and specialty pharmacy
To advance science, expertise and evidence-based decision making to improve patient healt […]
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