AIMS Press
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P.O. Box 2604 Springfield, MO 65801-2604, USA, Missouri, United States

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Detailed Information

AIMS Press is a major operation of AIMS, which is a science organization situated in the United States of America, as statedĀ here. As a publisher providing scientific and professional communities with valuable information, AIMS has been publishing scientific journals since 1995. All AIMS journals are of institutionally high quality and international reputation, with many of them indexed in SCI-E and five of the flagship journals in SCI as seen atĀ

To better serve the communities and share the latest and best scientific research with everyone, AIMS Press takes great endeavor to publishĀ Open Access, online, peer-reviewed journals in the major scientific and medical fields.Ā  AIMS Press strives to keep its tradition of publishing only high quality journals and having its new journals indexed by all the major indexing companies in the shortest time possible. To achieve these goals, a rigorous review with high standards and rapid editorial process/publication will be strictly followed. All original research and review articles (reports) published by AIMS Press are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. Authors publishing with AIMS Press retain the copyright to their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows articles to be re-used and re-distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.

WhileĀ Open AccessĀ journals often collect Article Processing Charges (APC) from the authors’ institutes or research funding bodies, such fees are fully waived for the initial three years for all of AIMSā€™ new journals. However, a fee may apply for those articles that need major (English) editing and formatting.


AIMS Press: Journals
AIMS Molecular Science
AIMS Molecular science is an international Open Access journal devoted to publishing peer […]
AIMS microbiology
AIMS Microbology is an international Open Access journal devoted to publishing peer-revie […]
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