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About The Organization

ANI Research Hub FZC is a conglomeration of academia and professionals for promotion of research and innovation, creating a global footprint. ANIMH aims to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development and providing opportunities for networking and collaboration. These objectives are achieved through academic networking, meetings, conferences, workshops, projects, research publications, academic awards and scholarships. ANIMH strives to enrich from its diverse group of advisory members. Scholars, Researchers, Professionals are invited to freely join ANIMH and become a part of a diverse academic community, working for benefit of academia and society through research and innovation. ANIMH will address multiple topics and issues of interest in the areas of Engineering, Management, Technology and Applied Science by practical exposure in the form of specialized sessions, poster presentations, plenary sessions and renowned speeches from the leading practitioners reinforcing the upcoming challenges to be faced and their potential solutions. In order to provide better networking opportunity for the participants of ANIMH.


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