Asian Scholars Network
Contact Information

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Asian Scholars Network is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Asian Scholars Network (ASNet) will be organizing the 3rd International Virtual Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Technology 2023 (IVEST2023) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of the multidisciplinary conference is to gather leading academicians, scholars and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas as well as to discuss current development in their respective fields. In addition, the conference also offers opportunities for academicians and industry experts to meet and interact with local and international participants.


Now you can present your paper from the comfort of your home. Just send us your 10-15 minutes pre-recorded video presentation and slides. The video will be posted in our YouTube channel on the conference day. It saves time, money and more importantly, we stay safe. It’s the New Normal!


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