BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
Contact Information
Phone number(s)
BMA House Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JR United Kingdom, London Borough of Camden, United Kingdom

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Detailed Information

BMJ is a global healthcare knowledge provider with a vision for a healthier world. We share knowledge and expertise to improve healthcare outcomes.

BMJ started out 180 years ago as a medical journal, publishing articles on stillborn children, amputation at the shoulder and the climate of the Isle of Wight.

Now, as a values-driven company and global brand, we work toward our vision for ‘a healthier world.’ We do this by partnering with more than 8,000 medical organisations worldwide so they can provide their users with the best available resources. We make our content available in 14 languages, and create evidence-based subscription-based products to help clinicians better tackle today’s most critical healthcare challenges. It is inspiring to see the rapid growth of students and qualified doctors around the globe progressing their careers and achieving accreditation with our e-learning modules and events.

Our expertise extends from publishing and medical education to clinical decision support and events to enhance day to day decision-making and healthcare delivery. Whilst our focus remains unchanged, we continuously adapt to the changing research landscape by remaining innovative and competitive.



BMJ Publishing Group Ltd: Journals
General psychiatry
General Psychiatry (GPSYCH) is an open access journal that covers all topics of interest […]
British Journal of Ophthalmology
British Journal of Ophthalmology is an international peer-reviewed journal for ophthalmol […]
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