CME Science
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Detailed Information

Our journey creating CME Science began in university education, but now we offer improved learning experiences in exclusive locations without university or commercial backing.

We are dedicated to promoting and coordinating the development and dissemination of educational content that is relevant and meaningful to clinical practice and to serving the health care needs of the general public through the support of science, teaching, research and quality of service.

We provide leading-edge, fully accredited, clinical CE Conferences for healthcare professionals. Our emphasis on offering state-of-the-art clinical information, in formats most conducive to learning, assures you of an optimal continuing education experience.

onferences typically take place over the course of two to four days. They are informative, entertaining, and extremely valuable for medical professionals interested in honing skills and furthering their career. All are led by respected medical professionals who are leaders in their fields. We also now offer radiology CME online through our exclusive on-demand webinars.

At CME Science, we want to be your choice for radiology continuing medical education courses and professional development. Please have a look around our website for more information about course locations, course objectives, specific program content, workshop itineraries, and registration information.


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