Equinox Publishing
Contact Information
Phone number(s)
415 The Workstation 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, United Kingdom

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Equinox Publishing is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

We publish journals, textbooks, anthologies, monographs and reference books in the areas of archaeology, linguistics, cultural history, the academic study of religion,  cookery and popular music. Within the cookery and popular music lists we also publish books  that attract a more general readership (see subject area listings on this website). In 2023 we have a back list of more than 500 published books and are currently publishing around 50 books per calendar year as well 50 journals.

We have an international author base and audience and match this with worldwide marketing and distribution. North America accounts for nearly half our overall business and journals account for 65% of our turnover.


Equinox Publishing: Journals
Journal of Language and Discrimination
The Journal of Language and Discrimination examines the relationship between language and […]
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