Frontiers Publishing
Contact Information
Avenue du Tribunal-Fédéral 34 1005 Lausanne, Geneva, Switzerland

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Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

Frontiers Publishing is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform.

Our research journals are community-driven and peer-reviewed by editorial boards of over 202,000 top researchers. Featuring pioneering technology, artificial intelligence, and rigorous quality standards, our research articles have been viewed more than 1.9 billion times, reflecting the power of open research.

Our mission is to make science open – so that scientists can collaborate better and innovate faster to deliver the solutions that enable healthy lives on a healthy planet.

Research is the foundation of modern society and it’s thanks to advances in science that we enjoy longer, healthier and more prosperous lives than ever before in human history. We want to make science even more powerful by ensuring it is openly available. This way, society will be able to generate more knowledge and accelerate innovation, health and prosperity for all.


Frontiers Publishing: Journals
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (JPPS) (ISSN 1482-1826) is a broad- […]
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