IIS University
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Gurukul Marg, SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, Rajasthan, India

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Detailed Information

TheĀ International College for Girls (ICG), a pioneer institution for women education, was founded in the year 1995 as an affiliated college to the University of Rajasthan. Started with just 56 girls and seven members of staff, it became a Postgraduate College in 1999. Today, ICG stands tall with over 3500 students on roll, 208 faculty members and 46 support-staff (technical & non-teaching).

Pursuit for excellence in higher education at ICG got due recognition by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC),[Notification]. an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC). ICG the only college in Rajasthan which has beenĀ accredited A+Ā by NAAC. The college has also been identified asĀ a Model CollegeĀ by the Government of Rajasthan. In a survey conducted by A.C. Nielson for ā€˜India Todayā€™ the college has beenĀ rated best in the stateĀ in all the faculties for the last several years.


IIS University: Journals
IIS University Journal of Arts
The IIS University Journal of Arts, published by The IIS University, provides a forum for […]
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