Infocus International
Contact Information

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Infocus International is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Infocus InternationalĀ is a global business intelligence provider of strategic information and professional services serving diverse business communities, designed to provide insights and to assist our clients on the global stage.

We are a leading knowledge-management companies strategically based in Singapore, independently researching, producing and delivering market-driven programmes globally, including Asia-Pacific, Middle East, America, Europe and Africa etc.

Our company strongly believes that knowledge works as your global currency. We recognise our clientsā€™ needs and respond with innovative, timely, and results-oriented programmes. Our products are founded on high-value content in diverse subject areas, and the highest level of quality is ensured through our intensive, accurate, and in-depth market research from local and international insights. Each programme is developed by a team of competent research professionals who ensure our agenda provides detailed discussions and latest industry updates.

Infocus InternationalĀ is also widely recognised as a global conference and summit organiser. When you attend Infocus International conference you will benefit from a high-capacity programme, delivered by leading experts in the field, and an event platform offering high-level interaction, and invaluable opportunity to network and benchmark with other participants.

Our training division provides extensive training programs throughout the continents, ranging from Finance, Energy, Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Mining and many more. These programmes are delivered by leading industry practitioners and field experts in a choice of layouts such as workshops, and in-house programmes.

Our commitment to deliver high quality products and services is the main foundation of our reputation as a prominent player in the business intelligence industry.


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