Institut Pendidikan Indonesia IPI, Indonesia
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Detailed Information

3rd International Conference on Technology Innovative Educational and Multidisciplinary skills in the 21st century research” (ICTEMR_2023), which is scheduled to take place on the 11 th and 12 th August 2023 to be held Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI), Indonesia in Association with Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) Indonesia society will focus on establishing the bar for effective future inclinations. The international conference has been specifically designed with the intention of delivering outstanding outcomes and challenges in the 21st Century. It intends to bring collectively researchers, scientists, technicians and scholars in all fields of educational research for the propagation of original research conclusions, new approaches and developmental practices that yield real results.

Participants will be afforded the incredible chance to interact with leading experts from their respective fields, taking the opportunity to draw everyone commonly in a panel and to bestow their plans in different countries.

ICTEMR-23 strives to join the gap among researchers and academics in various domains, and this type of long-term imagination has resulted in the launching of this incredible and unique initiative involving experts from all fields. ICTEMR – 2023 is organized especially to furnish delegates with hard-to-find knowledge and expertise that they will find nowhere else.

Objective of the Conference

One of the goals of ICTEMR-2023 is to give specialists a world-class stage to distribute research discoveries by using innovative means of lecturing and presenting. This one-of-a-kind lecture output will be of tremendous benefit to students participating in the event. Scientists will also be invited to distinguish significant research subjects in identified regions in the field of educational research from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The 3rd International Conference on Technology Innovative Educational and Multidisciplinary skills in the 21st century research” (ICTEMR_2023)aims to give researchers, students, and delegates and the occasion to communicate and share their expertise and understanding of technology utilization. This event will also serve as an excellent international forum for sharing expertise and results on recent challenges in engineering technology. The goal of the conference is to provide a stage for scientists and practitioners from academia and industry to address issues with development in the field.


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