Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
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The global community gears toward industry sustainability and independence. However, there is thin line of interconnectedness amongst the global key players. Thus the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Industry and Academic Research (ICMIAR) brings forth a venue for the various industry key players to connect and collaborate. It focuses on the current issues and trends on both the academe and industry and the various facets of their interconnectedness. This is the first 3-in-1 conference that fosters research presentation, journal publication and professional development.


The conference aims to:

  • Provide a platform for the academic and industry research outputs;
  • Continuously develop strong research culture among industry and academic professionals;
  • Enhance free and accessible knowledge sharing through industry benchmark, sharing of best practices and relevant training;
  • Educate the community of scholars through updates on current topics and issues in the industry and the academe;
  • Develop relevant professional skills through the training, symposium and workshop;
  • Foster collaboration among industry and academic professionals around the globe; and
  • Develop camaraderie among fellows in the industry and academic community.


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