International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press (IACSIT)
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Detailed Information

IACSIT is a registered international scientific association of distinguished scholars engaged in Computer Science and Information Technology. The IACSIT members include research and development center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, research scientists, engineers, scholars, experienced software development directors, managers and engineers, university postgraduate and undergraduate engineering and technology students, etc. IACSIT plays an influential role and promotes developments in Computer Science and Information Technology in a wide range of ways. The mission of IACSIT is to foster and conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research in state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies within its areas of expertise.

IACSIT organizes conferences, workshops, and provides sponsor or technical support to conferences and workshops. The IACSIT Press also publishes high quality academic international journals in most research areas.

IACSIT seeks to encourage regional and international communication and collaboration; promote professional interaction and lifelong learning; recognize outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations; encourage scholar researchers to pursue studies and careers in Computer Science and Information Technology. We also welcome research that highlights successful modern applications of Computer Science and Information Technology, such as Agriculture, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics, Business, Chemical, Environment, Education, E-Learning, Geography, Mathematics and Physics.


International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press (IACSIT): Journals
International Journal of Machine Learning
Former Title: International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (ISSN: 2010-3700) […]
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