ISSM 2023
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Detailed Information

Information Systems is an academic study of systems with a specific reference to information and the complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create and also distribute data. Management information is an important input for efficient performance of various managerial functions at different organization levels. The information system facilitates decision making. Management functions include planning, controlling and decision making. Strategic decisions are characterized by uncertainty. In order to do the further study for those field, ISSM was set up to make this goal.

2023 The 4th International Conference on Information System and System Management will be held on August 21-23, 2023 at Chengdu, China. ISSM2023 is Chengdu University, China; Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) , China; Chiang Mai University, Thailand; Sichuan Province Computer Federation, China.

ISSM 2023 aims to attract scientists and decision-makers from both academia and industry, with internationally renowned Keynote Speakers who will introduce and discuss cutting edge research in diverse areas of Information System and System Management. It will include discussions on challenges, diverse applications of Information System. In addition, interesting adjacent areas such as adoption of information technology in organizations as well as human factors in information systems also will be covered. We also invite industrial exhibitors, and innovative session organizers. We’re confident that all participants, students, experts and decision makers will benefit from attending ISSM 2023.


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