Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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4838/24,Ansari Road Daryaganj New Delhi New Delhi, Delhi, India

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Detailed Information

Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers was established in the year 1969. For a medical professional, the partnership with Jaypee begins at the undergraduate level. Jaypee remains every doctor’s trusted education resource for all his/her professional life. Be it undergraduate, postgraduate, ward round handbooks or be it the professional and reference books for practitioners. Jaypee as South Asia’s largest and fastest growing medical publisher and has become a popular and trusted brand among the medical fraternity. We work closely with health care professionals as well as health care information providers and pioneer in medical contents. It works like a Bumblebee, collecting the pollen of knowledge from the KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) of the field and spreading information in the garden of health sciences for every seeking learner.

Headquartered in New Delhi (India), Jaypee is a global company and its cerebral resource collection centres are located in UK, USA, and Panama. As a well reputed publisher in the world, Jaypee has been publishing the works of eminent KOLs and academicians from every nook and corner of the world. Jaypee makes its presence in each and every important medical conference of the world to connect with every possible KOL of the medical world in every important specialty to collect and publish the latest, authoritative and dependable information, knowledge and techniques of and for the medical world.

Jaypee is actively involved in the translations of titles in different languages like Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, etc.

The company is the publisher of Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI), Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) and the Association of Physicians in India (API). With more than 3,500 titles (health science books, journals and procedures’ video) in its list and 350 new products added each year in different streams: Medical, Dental, Nursing, Allied and Medical Science, Veterinary Sciences. Jaypee is one of the fastest growing publishers in the world of Health Sciences Education and information.

Jaypee has already achieved the distinction of being one of the best publishers in the world in the field of Ophthalmology. The coveted TOP position in the specialty is not far away.


Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.: Journals
International Journal of Prosthodontics and Res...
International Journal of Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry promotes the advanced […]
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