JMIR Publications
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130 Queens Quay East, Unit 1100 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Detailed Information

JMIR Publications helps scientists to disseminate innovations, ideas, protocols, and research results to the widest possible audience. This includes not only other researchers, but also patients/consumers and other knowledge users.

We do so in a timely manner, adding value to the quality of the work and adhering to the highest ethical and quality standards.

Openness is at the heart of what we do. As one of the first open access publishers in the world, we have over 20 years of experience in scholarly communication. We use the internet and latest available technologies, organize conferences, create social media content, and develop other innovative knowledge translation products.

We also innovate in the scholarly communication space itself, experimenting with novel metrics, new business models, new models of peer review and dissemination, and new technologies.



JMIR Publications: Journals
JMIR pediatrics and parenting
JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting (JPP) is an open access journal, with a unique focus on tec […]
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