Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry
Contact Information
Phone number(s)
B163, Seoul National University Dental Hospital, 101, Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea, Seoul, South Korea

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Detailed Information

The KACD is a long-established dental academic organization that was founded in 1959 and celebrated its 62nd anniversary. As a forum for academic exchanges with 2,400 members, the KACD has developed dental science and improved oral health of the people. We are making ceaseless efforts to enhance the rights and interests of members and to strengthen our relationships. Our academy is fulfilling its role as an academic organization that leads and educates the ever-changing academic trends through annual spring and autumn academic conferences. The academy’s competence is focused on the publication of academic journals, the operation of the accredited and specialist system, and study to improve insurance benefits. In particular, we are striving to strengthen communication with the public and dentists by publishing a ‘position statement’ on the academic journal and website every year to find sensitive topics related to the field of the conservative dentistry and present it as a standard at the academic level. As part of the global project, the Korean-Japanese joint scientific meeting has been operating since 1999. The Journal of the KACD was renamed as RDE (Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics) from 2012, an English-language journal, and has acquired a status as an international academic journal. In the future, we are making great efforts to list RDE as Scopus and SCI journals. In addition, the Asia-Oceania Federation for Conservative Dentistry (AOFCD) was formed to promote the development of dental conservation and academic exchanges in these regions, and its inaugural conference was successfully held at COEX, Seoul in 2019.



Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry: Journals
Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
The Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics (officially abbreviated as Restor Dent Endod; R […]
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