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United Arab Emirates

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MENA CONFERENCE is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information
The Middle East and North Africa Conference is a pioneering initiative to promote high quality continuing medical education (CME) and continuing professional development (CPD) for medical Fraternity. We aim to combine independent and detailed content with adult learning principles, novel ideas and multiple medical education formats. The objective is to build medical education platforms that enable healthcare practitioners across the region to share the latest evidence, research and clinical practices.
We have a solid reputation of developing educational programs based on the outcome of needs assessment, current trends, clinical data and latest technology that impact healthcare practitioners.
MENA conference offers a group of services from Medical Conferences, Internationally-Affiliated Training Programs, Event Management, Distance Learning and Media Education Services. We work closely with a vast network of experts, advisors, scientific committees and important stakeholders to deliver the highest standard in quality Medical Training, Health Education and customer satisfaction that meet the needs and expectations of healthcare professionals in the UAE and the region. We are a highly-trusted provider of healthcare events in the region and are renowned for getting to the heart of the matter.
What makes us the frontrunner in the UAE and the region is our unique ability to combine regional cultural experience with modern and innovative solutions for our clients. Our strength lies in our extensive experience and operational knowledge of medical training and health education locally and internationally. MENA Conference possesses a unique and robust skill set in its management competency, holding specialized operational knowledge and recognized local / international experience in Medical Education.


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