Metallurgy & Materials Society of CIM MetSoc of CIM
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Detailed Information

MetSoc consists of six technical sections which lead the organization of programming at the Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM) and provide a forum for the networking of professionals from all sectors. These sections cover Hydrometallurgy, Pyrometallurgy, Light Metals, Materials, Mineral Science, and Sustainability. All are strongly volunteer-driven and have connections across academia, industry, and government.

To meet important professional needs that cross technical boundaries, there are standing committees for Member Services, Student Affairs, Historical Metallurgy, Publications, Business Development and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Each has the mandate to work with the membership to develop and promote programs in these areas.

A strong focus of MetSoc is student engagement. There are Student Chapters in place at a number of universities across Canada. The Society is also a strong supporter and trustee of the annual Canadian Materials Science Conference (CMSC) which acts as a national forum organized for young researchers to meet and present their work.


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