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Detailed Information

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to welcome all the researchers, specialists and practitioners to this signature event of the year “International Congress on Advances in Clinical Obesity and Diabetes” which will be held in Barcelona, Spain on July 17-18, 2023. 

Obesity is associated to a variety of medical, psychological, and social conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, liver problems, hypertension, cancer, gynecology problems to name a few. 360 million individuals are anticipated to have type 2 diabetes by 2030, up from the estimated 171 million at the beginning of this century.

Conferences like this one may help to speed up the development of viable treatments and therapies for the obesity and weight loss. This conference explores an in depth view of world-class, interdisciplinary research discussion from basic science to advanced research to become leaders in obesity and diabetes research and their relation to cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, metabolic diseases, immunological diseases, cancer etc. 

Peers Alley Media meetings in this regard aim to promote high level research and to globalise the best research in popular, thereby making discussions, showing more internationally competitive and focusing interest on the most recent enormous achievements in the field of medicine, as well as future traits and desires.

I hope that Adv. COD 2023 is a professionally fruitful and personally enjoyable experience for all who attend, and I look forward to seeing you there.


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