Pulsus Conferences
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35 Ruddlesway, Berkshire, SL4 5SF, Barnsley, United Kingdom

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Detailed Information

Pulsus Group is an internationally renowned medical peer-review publisher and conferences organizer established in the year 1984 publishes and hosts the work of researchers in a manner that exemplifies the highest standards in research integrity.

With a legacy of 38 years of excellence in Medical Publishing we are endorsed by various societies like International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, International Society of Addiction Medicine, European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association, World Federation of Paediatrics Intensive and Critical Care Societies, World Association of Medical Sciences, International Society for Ceramics in Medicine, Thalassaemia International Federation and World Association of Integrated Medicine to nurture the research and development for the beneficence of society.

Since many years Pulsus has also been very instrumental to provide an invaluable channel for scientists and researchers to exchange ideas and research by creating a forum for discussing the possibilities of future collaborations between universities, institutions, research bodies and organizations from different countries through international conferences and meetings.


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