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Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

Researchfora is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Researchfora is World’s largest Non-profitable professional organization meant for research development and promotion in the field of Science, Engineering, Technology, Management, Economics, Social Science, Medical & Health Science. Researchfora is a paramount body which has brought technical revolution and sustainable development of Science, Engineering, Technology, Management, Economics, Social Science, Medical & Health Science. Researchfora constitutes of professional wizards and overseas technical leaders who have left no stones unturned to reinforce the field of Science, Engineering, Technology, Management, Economics, Social Science, Medical & Health Science. The organization conducts technical conferences, seminars and workshop at different parts of country to reduce the gap between curriculum and their practical implementation among students, research scholars, professors, Engineers & scientists. Today Researchfora is one of the leading publishers of research papers in its high quality peer reviewed journals, proceeding and research magazine. The organization provides a brilliant scope of research and development to geniuses and wizards working in the field of engineering by providing financial aids by which economic constraints won’t retaliate the technical growth and research development.


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