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Akadamics Publishers Directory is a free online directory for publishers, academic event organisers, and publishing service providers.

Sciencefora is just one of over 2000 publishing company profiles in our database.

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Detailed Information

Sciencefora is a global class interactive professional association for technical development and scientific knowledge platform where the international academics and professional community often meet and share their experience and wisdom in the forum that leads to its growth in addition to updates on cutting-edge advancement in relevant research fields and technology.

Sciencefora Global Research Forum is a global class academic and scientific platform that organizes several desks of unique discussions which make our conferences a perfect platform for B to B and academic niche all scientific research-oriented interactions. Covering the entire canopy of academic research and development that affects world academic research and relevant development association Sciencefora along with its team reaches out to all developed and developing countries, paradises and exotic islands, harbor cities, and hill stations, global Cosmo to make the activities of this nurtured forum provide innovative and unique solutions for challenges the world is facing.

Sciencefora Global Research Forum  hosted every year on emerging scopes on Academics and Development with an intention and proved to be the epicenter of the congress of scientists and scholars with their provoking talks on current technology and progressive research. From academics to development and research this covers all the topics of interest to bring them under the same roof. We also release our informative, globally referred and cited publications including proceedings and periodicals that is circulated worldwide.

Peoples Empowerment Trust: Sciencefora is a unit of Peoples Empowerment trust(PET) registered under the Indian Govt as an Education charitable trust whose primary aim is the promote education and research activity world wide through International conferences, seminars, and scientific workshops. etc.


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